Bermar PODBAR Single
The Bermar PODBAR Single includes a fridge unit
Bermar’s wine and Champagne preservation systems are designed with input from globally renowned winemakers and Champagne Maisons. Bermar 'Podbar' Single features Bermar’s proven, award-winning ePreserve technology for both still and sparkling wines. This system will elevate your wine-by-the-glass service with its advanced features and dual preservation functionality. With Bermar, you get the ultimate all-in-one solution for preserving and serving wine at its best.
- Dual Preservation: Preserve both still and sparkling wines with one system.
- 21-Day Freshness: Keep wine and Champagne fresh for up to 21 days after opening.
- Any Bottle, Anytime: Works with all bottle types—still, sparkling, vintage, and screw cap.
- Lightning Fast: Seal bottles in 1-5 seconds with ePreserve technology.
- Compact Design: Small footprint, perfect for tight bar spaces.
- Vibrant Style: Choose from 7 nozzle colors to match your bar’s vibe.

现代葡萄酒菜单不再只是静态葡萄酒……起泡酒的需求正在全球范围内迅速增长。而 Bermar 的系统是全球唯一可以同时保鲜静态葡萄酒和起泡酒的“双重保鲜系统”,让您轻松密封任意数量的酒款,保持新鲜口感。
香槟/起泡酒:ePreserve 技术在 5 秒内精准注入二氧化碳,保留气泡完整,同时确保风味不变,可保持新鲜达 21 天。
静态葡萄酒:无需使用气体——ePreserve 技术通过完美真空防止氧化。您可以无限次密封,无需额外费用。
有了 Bermar 系统的 21 天保鲜功能,浪费将成为过去。它不仅帮助经营者更环保、更可持续,还能节省成本。这样一来,您可以放心提供更多种类的葡萄酒和香槟单杯服务,无需担心因变质而倒掉任何酒品。
Note: still wine sealing shown, please use the other CO2 nozzle for Champagne

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阅读 Bermar 保鲜系统如何帮助 Nadodi 提升葡萄酒服务水平。Nadodi 的侍酒师兼经理 Antu Chowdhury 分享了他的使用体验,并赞扬了这套系统对顾客用餐体验的积极影响。
顶级餐厅和酒店信赖 Bermar 系统,用于保鲜葡萄酒和起泡酒。

Albert Wines & Spirits 是 BERMAR 在马来西亚的指定经销商,为酒店业提供专属优惠和支持。