


About Us

Today, we're still a proud family business in its second generation.

Albert Wines, Your Very Own Trusted Wine And Spirit Provider.

Where Like-Minded Drink Enthusiasts Meet.

Our Story

How We Started


The Beginning

Mr. Albert Tan 创立了 Albert Wines & Spirits 于1992年,目标是成为马来西亚领先的葡萄酒与烈酒进口商和分销商。他的第一家店是一间位于 Jalan Kemuja(甘木查街)在 Bangsar(邦沙)的单层店屋。尽管店铺不大,他从专注于烈酒开始,特别是干邑和威士忌。


Growing and Diversifying

Priscilla TanYoke Ling 的帮助下,公司的产品系列开始扩展,涵盖更多种类的葡萄酒和其他商品。因此,他们搬到了位于 SD21 Jalan KIP(KIP路SD21)的半独立式办公室仓库,以容纳更多的库存。


Diversifying Our Portfolio

Albert Wines & Spirits 自豪地代理全球知名品牌,如 BollingerFIJI WaterFrescobaldiGruppo Santa MargheritaFamille PerrinAyala 等。我们已成为许多客户信赖的分销商,从机场和免税岛屿到顶级五星级酒店。


Navigating the Pandemic

在疫情期间,我们的创始人 Albert Tan 和 数字发展总监 David Stephan 推出了 AlbertWine2u. 一个提供完整饮酒体验的一站式在线平台。

Our Portfolio

Our Brand Promise

The Complete Drinking Experience

At Albert Wines, it is a place where you can have it all from alcohol, spirits, non-alcoholic beverages, accessories and glassware. We strive to be a hub where all drinks connoisseurs rely on their best 
drinks products.

Always Reliable And Dependable

We want to make you feel you are in "safe hands" by providing you with 100% authentic offerings.

Made Uncomplicated For You

We strive to make the experience the best by providing you with a simple user experience offline and help online.

We also deliver our goods to you on the same day.


Great Support Quick support and personalized advice from our knowledgeable team
Competitive Deals Great prices, exclusive discounts, quick and easy shipping
Trusted Selection Sourced from renowned wineries and suppliers